Contract with Learning Forward to get...

Solutions customized for your particular problem and requirements
Learning Forward’s team of highly qualified consultants will customize services and personalized learning experiences that meet the unique needs of your school or system.
An emphasis on collaboration and community
When educators at every role, grade level, and content area collaborate for continuous improvement and support their colleagues’ ongoing learning and development, they increase learning opportunities for each student. They simultaneously develop individual and collective knowledge and expertise and commit to collective responsibility so together they can better meet student needs.

Evidence-based best practices
High-quality learning systems turn to evidence at all stages of planning, monitoring, and assessing professional learning. They use a combination of relevant data and research findings as well as data from evaluations of their own system’s professional learning to make decisions about professional learning policies, resources, plans, and goals.
Top expertise in building and sustaining systems of learning
Learning Forward experts build knowledge, skills, and practices in multiple content areas, integrate understanding about pedagogy to create effective learning conditions and experiences, and study how people learn and develop. They align their learning with standards and frameworks and monitor how the field evolves.

Theory of Change

Standards for Professional Learning lead to high-quality professional learning; which leads to positive changes in educator knowledge, skills, and dispositions; which lead to improvements in educator practice; which in turn lead to accelerated student results.
As the graphic above illustrates, Standards for Professional Learning generate a learning system in which high-quality professional learning results in the improvements educators seek for themselves and their students. Changes and evidence at each step of the way contribute to continued improvement throughout the system, with student and educator data providing evidence about how professional learning evolves to contribute to excellence and equity.
Contact Us
Learning Forward contracts with districts and states to provide high-impact professional learning services and tools to transform professional learning, increase educator capacity, and improve student achievement.