Content-Based Coaching
Learning Forward’s content-based coaching program integrates deep content knowledge and pedagogy with best practices in instructional coaching to support content-area coaches, teachers, and teacher leaders to meet the needs of their students.
Our content-based coaching program, offered both face-to-face and virtually, supports coaches in providing not only effective coaching support for their teachers, but deepening their own knowledge and skills in implementing and modeling best practices in face-to-face and virtual learning for their teachers’ subject areas.
Participants in Learning Forward’s content-based coaching program explore ways that coaches can respectfully partner with teachers, both experienced and inexperienced, to create growth in the design and delivery of grade-level content. Achieving equity in classrooms depends upon all students engaging with complex texts at grade level, but many students are unprepared for this work and many teachers are uncertain how to meet their needs. Participants learn key coaching concepts and tools to assist in adapting and delivering content specific, job embedded coaching support to teachers, including ways of partnering with both inexperienced and experienced teachers.
Content-based coaches who participate in this program will:
- Develop the knowledge and skills to implement, model, and coach others using a variety of professional learning designs aligned with learner needs, levels of trust, a coherent theory of change, and coaching cycles;
- Explain and model rigorous subject-area instruction that promotes equity for all learners;
- Utilize/refine a variety of content-specific coaching skills, facilitation methods, and stances to facilitate individual/group teacher learning and application;
- Apply and fluidly utilize various coaching stances and tools to adapt the level of support provided based on teacher and student strengths and needs;
- Partner with school/district leaders to support teachers’ application of effective instruction for equity.
Learn more about how we can help you develop effective content-based coaches in your system, contact us at the link below.
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What we do
Our support for content-based coaches includes:
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